Saturday 14 June 2008

When Nothing Happens....

Could only find sea salt flakes in the shop so bought them. What a mistake! Rubbing it onto wet skin is far more abrassive. So have to work a bit harder to use them, i.e. wet the salt a little to dissolve rough edges before rubbing it onto skin.

Started detox meal plan today and for the next 4 days ate the following:
Breakfast: Porridge oats with soya milk
Lunch: Jacket Potato plus salad
Dinner: Rocket leaves, beetroot, corn, raw cashews, tuna fish, avocado salad

I lay in bed and did nothing.....normally I am scratching some part of my body, but I did not feel itchy. It was a strange feeling. Unfortunately later on during the night my legs did feel itchy. However it felt as if I was being given a taster of things to come.

Wednesday - Saturday
The skin appears to be healing. The itching has reduced, although there are still flakes of dry skin on the torso.

The improvement in skin quality and tone, leads me to believe that the sea salt has been playing a part of the healing process. I will continue with the sea salt. Diet might be helping.

I have bicarbonate of soda on stand by in case the itching reappears. A friend had recommended I use the bicarbonate of soda on any itchy areas. I did use it once and burnt my skin as I had put a dampened concentrated mush on. My friend had told me I was suppose to have used a diluted version i.e. one teaspoon in a glass of water. Oh well at least I felt pain instead of itchiness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u could try fine powdered sea salt instead of the expensive Maldon stuff that's favoured by posh chefs..... and i don't recommend the bicarb - all you're doing is damaging your skin by burning/ corroding it with the soda content, which could lead to skin thinning or scarring in future :(
Hope you're feeling better