Thursday, 22 December 2011

Trying to Survive Winter

Summer was really good. Had many days out in the sun in shorts and t-shirts to make the eczema hide away.

I dread the Winter's short days and the heating. The eczema curse has come out of hiding and now sits in my arms, on my neck and behind my neck. Am amazed at the dry spots that continually plague me at the moment. And my naughty fingers seem to find them and scratch them. At times all I long for is a nice ice block room to numb the itching.

So what is different? I have not been taking any vit D or omega oils for such a long time that I think I need to go back on them and see if that helps. Running marathons has been good, for on those days I am warm enough to put on shorts and t-shirts and be bathed in some winter sun. On those days, my skin can return to being calm. Is it the sun or is the sweat?

Hmm perhaps it is both. The sun for vit D to help skin repair and the sweat to help remove the toxins from poor eating habits at times (you'd think I'd learn).

I need to treat myself more like a plant - need to water myself to stay moisturised inside and sun myself to produce vit D to aid skin repair.

Ok I've written it, now to begin taking the suppliments to see if there is any difference. Will let you know in 6 weeks time.


Naomi said...

Stumbled across your blog. Its heart breaking. I'm trying to tackle my 4 year olds eczema at the mo. We're seeing a holistic therapist who said always breathe through your nose. The theory is that the nose warms, moistens, cleans and converts the air so that its suitable for the lungs. = more oxygen. Body looks after skin last so misses out on oxygen if you're a mouth breather. Its difficult to convince a four year old to do this, but wer'e working on it. That and Salcura derma spray and salcura zeoderm. They're amazing.

mrserenity said...

Eczema treatment plan should include making necessary dietary changes in order to avoid toxins and food

Anonymous said...

this is great! I have been living
with it for 10 years. I belive I'll
try what you suggested!

Anonymous said...

Try tiger balm red or white..stops itching on contact...Walgreens or amazon..GOD BLESS!!