Thursday 22 May 2008

Eczema Woes

Today, I decided to create a blog about skin ughs. Well one in particular that I am badly suffering from at the moment: Eczema.

Psychological Effects
In public places, bad eczema is a cause for concern to the people who are near you. Seeing someone constantly scratching, flakes of skin flying off, one cannot help wondering if the ailment the poor person is suffering from is contagious. Either that, or seeing their skin red, raw or flaking.

Personally, seeing one's own skin in total chaos: red patches; dry patches; cut patches from one's own dagger nails is a challenge for one's own head. Feeling the irritation and dryness is another that plays on one's mind. The body can feel sore; the arms tired from constant scratching and the head can feel misplaced from lack of sleep.

A typical eczema sufferer can have low esteem and not want to go out socially however an eczema sufferer has to balance all these and learn to carry on living life. Everyday I have to tell myself it probably looks worst to me than to everyone else. And in my workplace and people I meet, I apologise to them as I dig up my arm, face, neck, body or legs.

I constantly want to remove the dry skin which causes bouts of scratching and the cycle goes on.

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