Friday, 17 September 2021

Something Under Your Skin

Some say Eczema is due to something getting under your skin.

I defo have a number of issues / concerns getting under my skin

Am so glad to have finally got one of those issues to the surface and passed it on.

Skin already feels psychologically better :)

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Dead Skin On the Bed

.... am sure that should feature in a hard rock song.....

Many look at the skin on their body

I look at the skin on the bed and am amazed

Everyday, since December, I have scratched off an amount of skin every night. In the morning I awaken to small puddles "puddles" of skin.

I air my bedding out every day, shaking out the skin and imagine it is a feast for the bugs waiting on the lawn.

Even when it rains, I go outside to shake out my sheets.

I look forward to the day when my skin is smooth and I can find very little dead skin on my bed

Monday, 13 September 2021

Foods That Make Me Hot

For the last couple of nights I've been hot. Maybe woman issues or maybe things am eating.

Notably on the Friday night had a lot of cheese and rich food; on Saturday night had a lot of foods high in fat: corn on the cob dripped in butter; greasy fried noodles; greasy eggs; chips with lots of butter. My liver was having a hard time and I oozed heat at night.....sweat.... and itchy skin.

So no more fatty foods and cheese for me!

Sunday, 12 September 2021

You Scratching? Don't Touch It

You wanna scratch cos you felt your skin and it feels rough?
You wanna scratch cos your skin feels a little bit itchy?
You scratching cos you ain't felt your skin for a wee while?
You scratching cos you feeling a little bit clammy?
Then it's time to rap?