Monday 15 July 2013

Little Niece Cleared Of Eczema

My cousin's 3 year old girl began to itch a year ago. As it got worst, she appeared to become sensitive to more things such as tomatoes which she was eating happily before her outbreak.

The local GP of course prescribed her a course of steroid creams and moisturising creams that were high in petroleum (aqueous cream/diprobase/emollient cream etc)

I had recommended to my cousin not to use either, to keep the young one's diet simple, find a moisturing cream without petroleum/low in petroleum, and to ensure her surroundings were kept as dust free as possible. However with the young one's face and neck looking really bad and my cousin's desperation to get her daughter's skin back to normal, meant the GP's recommendation was followed.

Of course there was some healing, after all steroid creams burn off the outer layer, giving an appearance of "healing". My cuz followed the regime for 6 weeks. When she stopped, the eczema appeared to come back more aggressively - well it hadn't been cured! The GP gave her a course of antibiotics. My cuz asked to be referred to the skin clinic to find out what her daughter might be sensitive/allergic to. This took months to organise and they had to see a dermatologist, who told them everything they knew already (keep the skin moisturised, moisturise immediately after a bath) but no skin allergy test. This would be another wait.

So now a year plus on, my cuz has heard what I told her to do.

1. The house was cleaned several times + the carpets were cleaned (not just vacuumed).

2. My cuz no longer applied steroid creams + the GP prescribed emollients and found a cream that had no petroleum products in it.

3. Kept the child's diet simple.

4. Additionally she changed the laundry powder to a different non-bio powder (she was using Fairy non-bio - but I have found that too over scented and reacts to my skin).

2-3 months later her child's skin is clear. I don't believe it was just the cream that affected her skin, but a combination of changed environmental factors. The young one now appears to be able to eat the stuff that she was sensitive to during her itchy outbreak.

As for mine - well it is under control however work + dehydration + sleep deprivation are my bane. Adult life is so much more complicated. Sometimes I wish someone else would look after all of the "other" stuff for me. Anyway Dec is when this project will end.

On another note, I completed a 100 mile event in 29 hours without itching, only because I took an antihistamine to prevent the initial sweat from causing a reaction :-)


steroid-induced-eczema said...

I'm glad your cousin's daughter is doing better! I have to try that for myself - Fairy non-bio. Just trying not to scratch my arms too much. I'm in a wedding in one month!

Honey said...

That's good news to hear! Having eczema is really difficult to manage. But if someone you knew also has this kind of disease, try recommending water softener as it soothes the skin of the person with eczema.

hakimyous said...

Are you a person of Eczema? If so it would shock someone to understand that you get substantial respite from it just by the couple of changes for your day-to-day life-style. I've arranged some tips below, so place them into location right now to begin prospering!

Moisturize-A lot! Lots of people will state the worst portion of Eczema may be the itching. Well right here's some news, should you keep the skin hydrated enough you are able to all but eradicate that annoying itch. The secret should be to hydrate regularly, and also at the appropriate times. Ideally, 2 times a day after bathing or showering should be. The reason it's done after bathing is so it is possible to secure a number of the wetness through the bath or shower into the skin. To do this, lightly dab yourself which has a very soft towel, leaving skin somewhat damp, then apply the moisturizer straight to the moist skin. It's a little tougher to figure it all in, yet it's certainly really worth the added effort.

**Revitol Eczema Cream Products For Eczema - Revitol Eczema Cream Works Wonders!**

Melvin Crane said...

Good to know your cousin have recovered Eczema nicely! I like the suggestions you've provided. Also many congratulations on completing 100 mile without itching ;) said...

Nice to hear. I hope she is fine now. Its always recommended that one should avoid hard water. Soft water is more soothing to the skin and in the end will help out for someone with Eczema. If soft water is not available one can buy always buy a softener.

Someone said...

Happy that your story had a good ending!

Sometimes, water contaminants can be the cause for health issues even in the western world. More and more pollutants can be found in our tap water due to environmental pollution. I always recommend people using RO systems for water filtration.

Would be interested to know what the skin of your niece is like right now? Did the eczema come back or stayed away for good?