Thursday 20 December 2012

Spoke too Soon

Oh well.....After an allergic reaction to prawn paste, my entire face decided to have a melt down.

Oh now fighting to get my face back to normality. Red, flakey patches are being hit with tons of cream. The worst for me are the itchy eyes.

Oh I said before atopic eczema always hangs around. So will have to be on my guard.

Taking vit E and cod liver oil for the winter period


Christopher said...

Hi, I just found your blog and it has hit home in so many ways. I've had eczema a little while, but it has been much worse since I moved in with my girlfriend. I think it's the shower. I've started using myself as a test subject to figure out what works and what doesn't as you say.

I'm going to read over your suggestions, what you have found works and try cold showers. I'm running the marathon in april, and having to do a lot of training - which may help from the exercise, or make things worse with sweating on my skin.

I'll be keeping track of your blog though, thanks for sharing it

carol said...

Could you be allergic to shellfish?

I know it's been a while since you posted, so I'm assuming that your eczema is under control.

And thanks for starting your blog. I'm going through a few and I enjoy yours. I've had eczema since I was a child and recently I found out I've gotten a MRSA/staph infection through my broken skin. It's helpful to read what others are doing to take care of their eczema especially since I'm going through a terrible flare right now.

Daniela said...

You are doing the work for many people and tons of people can relate to your Eczema Problem. Fortunately I personally have outgrown it but know the pain. I really appreciate your blog and your honesty. Keep up the good work!