Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Sensitive to Having Prolonged Wet Skin

I did a marathon and the weather was awful that day. It drizzled, rained, splattered down the whole day.

I thought since my skin was pretty good it would be resilient. It was not and after an hour of water chucking down on me, the prolonged damp skin began to itch.

I thought it would subside, so I ignored it. After 5 miles (about an hour) the nagging slowly intensifying itch was too much for me to ignore and soon I began to rub the skin. Yep, I was soon scratching the skin.

After another hour I decided to put a rain coat on and dry my skin with a spare pair of dry cotton trousers I had in my backpack I was running with. I also wrapped my arms in the trousers.

This seemed to have a soothing effect. With my arms covered and my neck and body now staying drier, the itching could lessen and I could therefore control the scratching temptation.

Unfortunately I was a little slow to have done anything about the scratch damage I did on the inner part of my elbows and neck. I was raw and sore after.

2 weeks later the skin has looked a little better. My inner elbows, historically arms being the worst hit with eczema will take a little longer to get back to normal but they are certainly recovering.

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