Thursday, 2 October 2008

When Pain is Good!

Had a bad rash attack. It could have been due to being overtired, or having eaten bad food for 2 days and no exercise. What ever it was, it wasn't going away fast. Hives were breaking out all over and the normal distractors of praying, trying to send myself to sleep, keeping my hands occupied were not helping the stress of the itch.

Instead a luke warm shower with dead sea salt rubbed all over my body, substituted the itch for pain. Well by the time I got round to having another shower, I had already created scratches on the skin surface.

The pain was hard, but the dead sea salt did the trick and perhaps leached out something that had got onto the skin surface. The rashes calmed down almost immediately after!

I want clear skin by the end of this year!!!


Anonymous said...

hello I also have had eczema since young and have tried dead sea salt, almond oil etc. Lately my mum bought dried sea horse and boiled it with ginger and brown sugar. it seems to work extremely well for me. Although i must say its extremely cruel to have sea horse in it but i guess it will be good to let it cure ur eczema and stop drinkin it after that? Hope it helps

I want good skin said...

Thank you for your comments. Would be interesting to know why that has helped.

PreciousPearl said...

aiyoh.... dried sea horse!!!???!!! sooo cruel and unwarranted :(

maybe just ditch the sea horse & sugar and just stick with the ginger????