Sunday, 26 October 2008

Keeping the Regime Going

Sometimes it is hard to keep on track. If you deviate a little, you can find you've lost some ground.

It's like a diet or training. You start off with good intentions and when things are going well, then for whatever reason you are tempted to do something different. This might be environmental or of course being a woman, hormonal.

  • One tablespoon full of bicarbonate of soda into the bath water seems to ease an itch!
  • Dead sea salt will bring down a rash. Had a hooouge itchy lump on my arm recently. Bathed it in dead sea salt and it went down pretty soon after.
  • Currently trying to wash my scalp in dead sea salt water.
Am moisturising at least 3 times a day now, down from the 6 times a day, with top ups during the night.
  • 100% natural coconut oil. No additives. This seems to have eased the shedding skin even further. Have been using this on my scalp and this has had positive results. Still working on the dry scalp problem.
  • Epaderm covering after applying coconut oil. I am one very greasy person!

Chemicals used:
  • Cortesone Cream:This has been cut back to twice a week and only on the legs.
  • Antihistamines: Twice a week.

This is the hardest part of the regime.
  • Drinking lots of water - at least 1.5 litres, if not 2 litres
  • Very little diary or wheat
  • Potatoes, rice, fish and lots of green veggies are regular items in my diet
  • Suppliments of Thistle, 1000mg Evening oil of primrose and 500mg Cod Liver oil (lovely!!!)

If I can stick to this, the itching eases off and I can even sleep without scratching on occasions. But a bad night's sleep and central heating can make my body begin to feel uncomfortable. And you all know when you're feeling tired, waiting at a train station for your home coming train, it is soooo easy to be tempted by the smells wafting of freshly baked bread, or cornish pasties or croissants.........

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Cooky Coconut

My cousin has been using coconut oil on her child's eczema and found it has been effective in reducing the symptoms and keeping the skin hydrated.

So I took a sample and found it has been really good on the "craddle cap" scalp have been suffering with since all this started. The only downside I have is the greasy looking hair the oil causes. But who cares when the itch has subsided.

So now trying it on the rest of my body to now try to fight the effects of "heating" on my skin as the radiators are turned on for winter. Seems okay 3 days in.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

When Pain is Good!

Had a bad rash attack. It could have been due to being overtired, or having eaten bad food for 2 days and no exercise. What ever it was, it wasn't going away fast. Hives were breaking out all over and the normal distractors of praying, trying to send myself to sleep, keeping my hands occupied were not helping the stress of the itch.

Instead a luke warm shower with dead sea salt rubbed all over my body, substituted the itch for pain. Well by the time I got round to having another shower, I had already created scratches on the skin surface.

The pain was hard, but the dead sea salt did the trick and perhaps leached out something that had got onto the skin surface. The rashes calmed down almost immediately after!

I want clear skin by the end of this year!!!