I cycled to COP26 and back. 22 days out as we were visiting schools and collecting Climate Action pledges and 14 days back home. Before COP26 my skin had returned to be a mess and both my eyes had become puffy and sticky. On the journey back, the skin had calmed right down and the eczema had pretty much disappeared.
On my way back I visited an Uncle who is an optometrist and he said I had Blepharitis.
So back home, 3 days later and everything starts back up again. I am blaming the place I am living in. Perhaps it is stress. The skin around the eyes are awful and looks like I have dandruff on my face. Just looking back at my previous blog posts and will be re-trying some of the things. My skin on my arms is desperate and rash has reappeared all over my body. It is so frustrating to have this condition return so quickly. More detective work required....