Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Skin Update!

End of 2016:

Throughout 2016, I've been suffering from urticaria as well as eczema. At the end of 2016, decided it must be a mineral deficiency of some sort and decided to do some pill popping of fish oil and vitamin C.

1. Face was a wreck. Welts kept popping up. When they reduced, they caused dry skin and a rash. Welts would appear after a night of no sleep. Around the eyes worsened, and tears burned the skin. Have been applying loads of mosituriser and forcing myself to rest even if am not sleeping. Facial skin is much better. Think the cod liver oil tablets have also been helping as everything is much more stable. Scalp seems to be improving as well.

At the worst of it, found the gel from the aloe vera leaves had a soothing effect on the facial skin when it was itchy.

2. Back had a rash and dry skin. Mid summer, had welts appear on the back, turn into water blisters and left the back in a mess after. Still sorting this out but it is healing. Have recently been finishing off my shower with cold water which has helped the skin to feel better. Heat makes the skin itch!

3. Front of torso has been red and there appears to be some light swelling. Probably end up as dry skin and rash.

4. Legs have had some welts but seems to have become stable with the cod liver oil

5. Eczema rash on inside of elbows and neck still around. Haven't focused on this much due to sorting out everywhere else. Mainly itchy at night when I become hot. Am learning to like being a little cooler.

Having struggled with various rashes in 2016, and now having taken suppliments, I think some rashes may be a symptom of some sort of deficiency. The skin appears to have stabilised and improved since taking high dosages of cod liver oil. Will look at increasing it to 3 tablets of 1000mg now and continue with the vitamin C (2 x 500mg). Recently have included Magnesium for constipation and Zinc to help healing (wounds have been healing very slowly).

I should also include that it would appear having a diet high in vegetables also helps keep my skin calmer.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Kevin and many others

Sat in Kuala Lumpur airport enroute back from New Zealand to England. Glad I found your site as I've been pretty dispondent about my ezecma, even simple things like getting your wallet out your pocket becomes a challenge. I don't think steroids do much but you become psychologically reliant on them.although I've never tried wrapping cling film over it.I've tried them all from weak over the counter hydrocortisone to stuff like cobitisol and betnavate. I think that they take the redness out of sores but perhaps it's wishful thinking? Hydrocortisone defiantly works on allergic rashes but these are unrelated to ezecma, I know got one now probably from a plant!not scratching ezecma is very important as it breaks the hives causing a large blister to form but easier said than done blowing or a gentle rub is better.I see no connection between ezecma and weather as I've had break outs in hot and cold countries. Strangely enough nor does it seem to run in my family although I can only go back to my parents and sister.I think also that due to it weakening the skin it allows fungal infections in to the feet.moccasin athletes foot is at a guess the one I've got. As it reacts to daktarin I'm guessing it's fungal,well a mixture of fungal and ezecma, and generally only oral antifungal creams will fight it,although daktarin does destroy it where it can get into the skin through cracks

Once upon a time, I used to be like Kevin and many others. I believed in the GPs advice and opinions. After all they're the experts right? Holistic healing stuff used to be mumbo jumbo and voo doo magic.

Now I have an appreciation of holistic healing methods, having had both carpel tunnel syndrome and frostbite healed by holistic methods. The neurologists wanted to cut my hand open to heal my carpel tunnel syndrome. The hand specialist in a London Hospital wanted to cut my finger off as he had zero understanding of frostbite.

Currently I use a blend of GP understanding of what the condition is and holistic methods. Holistic methods are more time consuming but they heal the body better than taking a chemical pill or applying chemicals that burn our skin off. The chemicals that the pharmaceutical produce for eczema are short term solutions. Read through my blog to take control of the situation. Though some of you might not like that it requires some lifestyle changes!

It should be noted that I still take anti-histamine tablets quite frequently during the night though this is a reduced dosage of 1/3 or 1/2 of a tablet.. If I have not slept well, I am itching like crazy the next day. It is on this night that I would take my 1/3 or 1/2 a tablet.

Anyhow since 2014, my scalp has been clear of eczema and dandruff, since I gave up shampoo-ing my hair! Though this year, my face & scalp has suddenly become dry and itchy! (I do blame urticara for this) Moisturing has certainly helped the scalp and face, especially round the eyes.

Anyhow - thanks Kevin for sharing and hope you find what is "getting under your skin".
