Wednesday, 30 September 2015

A Positive Mind Keeps A Positive Body

This might be my last blog post.

Before I started this blog, I struggled with Eczema for so long that it became a way of life to scratch the hell out of my skin. I went along with the doctor's prescriptions because I thought they knew better. I now know better!!!

The doctor's prescriptions are temporary relief. This is fine if you have transient dermatitis that disappears after using this temporary relief. This is not the same for folk who suffer from Atopic Eczema. The hydrocortisones/betnovates & petroleum/paraffin based moisturisers (aqueous cream, diprobase) worsened my skin condition and on reflection I believe it caused my ailments to be widespread as I liberally continued to use these moisturisers all over my skin.

My skin became ultra sensitive to so many things that would cause eczema to suddenly appear. The more I scratched, the more I spread it along my skin as I weakened the skin structures of good skin trying to avoid scratching the bad skin.  Now a days I moisturise my skin about twice a day now with a non-specialist moisturiser.

Those reading this blog to help someone you care for, please do not tell them to "stop scratching" - it is a bloody annoying phrase to hear! Negative language creates negative responses. Be positive with your language to an eczema sufferer.....errr saying "scratch more" is also unhelpful. Provide distractions that require an eczema sufferer to use their hands and to think about the task we have to complete. It is most likely they just need some hydration so providing a cup of "relaxing" herbal tea like chamomile or fennel certainly goes a long way with me.

I created this blog so I could record what I had tried and what worked for me. All eczema conditions are not the same but I have noted that there are some things that are consistent for all: sleep and hydration.

If you are lacking in either one, expect itchy skin. I think I have written enough about the healing power of sleep. I used to believe sleep was a waste of time. I now love my sleep and the powers it has. I am frequently having to teach myself to sleep especially during times of stress. Drinking water is another habit I have had to force myself to do. 2-3 mug sized cups of water was all I used to drink. I played sport without drinking very much. I used to itch like crazy after a sweaty session of sport. I have also written much about hydration and the use of herbal non-caffeine teas to add a calming effect to your mind and body.

Carbohydrates may be debate-able but have you noticed how most people eat soooo much of it. In "developed" countries there are large parts of the population suffering from type II diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. This food type is supposed to be used for a quick source of energy.

I am a programmer. I sit on my arse a lot during the day - yet the biscuits and crisps were the ones I used to constantly snack on. I now snack on spinach and rocket....or drink a cup of hot water/herbal tea. Remember vegetables have carbs. It is noted that there are many places on the web that indicate grains, starches, dairy, and sugars can cause inflammation. Personally I have noted keeping sugars and dairy low in my diet has been beneficial.

I run marathons on quorn cocktail sausages (am slow so need slow burning fat) supplemented with a couple of breakfast bars. Gels are chemical crap - another "quick fix" to fool you mentally. Perhaps should only be used by folk who need a quick shot of energy because they are metabolising at a high rate (see earlier posts). In my opinion, now having completed 55 marathons/ultras, the only time I have used gels are caffeine gels as I try to force my body to maintain alertness....really I only took then for the caffeine. In my experience I have seen too many athletes use gels at the beginning and during an ultra and found they became ineffective. Too much blood sugar and the body goes into "lah lah" land. Talk to a diabetic who measures their blood sugar to see the spike they get when they have one sweet.

I am not completely free of eczema, with my hormones screwing with my skin. So I take a quarter of an anti-histamine to keep it under control in those times. However my skin is in a good place and I am thankful for the use of the web to be able to record and journal my healing process and what has worked for me. Without it, I would probably still be struggling with my skin urghs.

Thank you to all those who have commented on my blog over the years and hope I have inspired you to start your own blog about your skin so that you can discover what works for healing your skin urghs. Keep it positive and keep it real.