Friday, 27 December 2013

Fighting Winter with Vitamin D3 & Antihistamine

I think my skin loves the sunshine and dislikes winter.

During winter last year,  I took cod liver oil and primrose oil suppliments. However the arms, neck, face, legs and parts of the torso succumbed to eczema. Spring into Summer improved the skin greatly and nearly killed off the eczema. Was probably eating better but not sleeping better!

However back in the throes of winter, the inner elbows and neck have gone back to being eczematic. So am taking vitamin D3 (5000 IU) suppliments. There appears to be some improvement in the inner elbows and neck. Additionally am taking the next couple of weeks to sleep and allow skin repair. So let's see what happens.

Am taking a 1/3 of an antihistamine if it begins to itch during the night (a regular monthly occurence at the moment. Yes before that darn girly period!). This appears adequate to keep things under control so that I am not tearing out my skin.

Still moisturising with different moisturisers and have ventured back to other types of commerical creams that contain some parafin constituent. Skin seems to be okay with it all. It just doesn't like being clammy.

Hope you all are having success in discovering how to keep your eczematic skin under control.

Merry Christmas