Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Still Free?

There has been a lack of blogging because my skin has been totally free of eczema. It has been feeling smooth and silky, back to normal since June this year.

Having reflected on this year, there appears to be one thing that stands out for me - transitioning from prescribed emollients/creams to mineral commercial creams. At first I would use up a 250 ml bottle in one week with continuous use. Now it takes about 2 months for me to use up that same bottle as my skin has been incredibly good.

Why should this be the difference? My year has been dogged by a lot of stress and it is often said that stress brings out eczema. Perhaps I have dealt with my stress by not taking anything personally and letting it fall off like "water off a duck's back"......but it sure has been an extremely stressful year and therefore I should be covered in eczema.

Perhaps my skin is good due to a combination of changes since starting this blog and thus has made the last transition possible. Or perhaps really the prescribed emollients/creams, although initially were good, were actually poisoning my system or making my system addicted to it. After all those who use lip balm find they have to use more of it as their lips feel continuously dry. Bet if they stopped using a paraffin based lip balm and use a mineral based lip balm, their lips will feel better.

My cynical view is, make a customer addicted to a product means you sell more product!

I recently tried a commercial paraffin based cream for the winter months, my skin give me "danger" indications. I have thus decided to not use it any more. So perhaps I can ascertain that the paraffin based "stuff" is certainly bad for me long term. I have heard other eczema sufferers say the same thing!

BUT the winter months are upon us and that means the dreaded heating is back on.

You will know that if I have not written anything here then the skin has managed to combat the drying effects of winter heating.......Let's hope I have nothing more to write about except to say "my skin is feeling GREAT!"