I have noticed that about 2-3 days before my period arrives, my body, arms, legs, neck, etc itches constantly. It is like a background noise that is always there. If I dare to scratch any part then the eczema slowly rears its ugly head.
Once the period starts, the itching subsides.
So what is happening to the body?
I found the image on the right in wikipedia (of course).
A couple of things stand out to me:
- The core body temperature rises
- Progesterone levels are increasing and estrogen levels are decreasing before the period.
- On the onset of ones period there is a sudden fall away of progesterone
As for the progesterone levels, perhaps I don't have enough of it or it is out of sync! I have read it is suppose to have a calming effect and there is a tendency for one to feel lethargic or depressed. Strangely I have quite an opposite effect leading up to the period. I have a lot of energy and when running, can feel like I can run forever!!! Two nights before my period I have insomnia. On the first day of my period, I want to sleep the whole day.
Without medical measurements of the production of my hormones, it would be difficult to understand how it is affecting the eczematic skin. However, a rising body temperature will explain why being in the cold is the best thing for reducing the itchiness, as well as drinking water.