Sunday, 28 September 2008

The eczema I suffer from has reduced a lot but has not gone and am still fighting it to get rid of it totally. So keeping one's mind occupied helps......praying has been great, thinking peaceful thoughts, gardening, drinking lots of water, doing the washing up, and playing sport.

Talking of peaceful thoughts, am helping a lady in her 60s train for the South Pole race this year. She is intending to take everyone's peace message to the South Pole to read them to the earth. The idea is to follow an ancient Tibetan tradition of flying messages on prayer flags to bring peace and harmony to all.

So all you readers, I would encourage you to send Tess a peace message on any subject such as for personal reasons, your environment, or the world. You can read about this mission here as well as a sample of what other folks have written:

You can also leave your peace messages here:

Have a peaceful week.....and of course....."To the pole and beyond!"

Friday, 12 September 2008

Polar Dreams

Hmm penguins.....just need to sort out skin a wee bit further but it is manageable!

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Why do Eczema Sufferers Scratch?

.....becos sometimes it really is very itchy

.....becos there are bits flaking off, so we start picking it or try to rub it off. Result itchiness

.....becos something has been brushing against it and irritated the area

.....becos it is hot....we like it cold (perhaps that's why am looking at the cold lands!) and without the central heating

.....becos we're feeling irritated at people telling us to "stop scratching" or slapping our hands away or websites like eczematreat that copy our content word for word with zero links back to the websites they have copied it from or people telling us "go or scratch some more!"

Now we know these people care about us and it would be great if they carried on caring about us and gave us something to do with our hands as a distraction. For example like give us a tall cold drink which could help to relieve the symptoms.